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Role of Data Science in E&S Markets

Our team is headed to WSIA Insurtech Conference 2024 in April! We’ll be facilitating an exciting Executive Round Table on the Role of Data Science in E&S Markets. Our CEO and Co-Founder, Arvind Kaushal, will demonstrate two new features of our underwriting workbench to a group of 20 insurance executives. These features, focused on AI… Continue reading Role of Data Science in E&S Markets

A Game-Changing Underwriting Platform

The role of automation and AI assistance in underwriting is rapidly evolving, and here at Cogitate we’re excited about the results our clients are experiencing on our underwriting workbench. In a recent study by Capgemini, a survey of P&C insurers suggested that 41% of the underwriter’s time is spent on “administrative and operational activities constraining… Continue reading A Game-Changing Underwriting Platform

Cogitate is a Serious Contender in the MGA Core Systems Space

On September 7, 2023, Datos-Insights released its Property/Casualty MGA Core Systems: Overview and Solution Providers Report. This comprehensive report reviewed the relative capabilities of 27 digital insurance solutions and designated Cogitate’s DigitalEdge Insurance Platform as a Contender. Datos-Insights defines the Contender as a solution having substantial customer experience and momentum, while the Established Player category is defined as in the market longer with more… Continue reading Cogitate is a Serious Contender in the MGA Core Systems Space

The World’s Top Insurtech Companies 2024

Cogitaters were excited to wake up this morning and find that CNBC and Statista had included Cogitate within its Global 150 Top Insurtech Companies list for 2024. Cogitate joins 9 other US based and 15 foreign companies in recognition as the best in Underwriting and Risk Analytics. Here’s how CNBC and Statista describe the segment:… Continue reading The World’s Top Insurtech Companies 2024

Cogitate DemandAssist

Cogitate DemandAssist automates the entire demand letter identification and management process. Demand letters from attorneys are very challenging to monitor and properly address, and can be potentially costly for any insurance company if not properly handled. Download this product brief for an overview of the features and functionality of DemandAssist that bring peace of mind… Continue reading Cogitate DemandAssist

Preferred Mutual Insurance Company Adopts Modern Claims System

Overview: In less than a year, Preferred Mutual Insurance Company (PMIC) implemented Cogitate’s claims system for personal and commercial lines, across all states. Goals achieved include integration with Cogitate’s ecosystem of data and solution providers, automated and streamlined processes, and greater self-sufficiency. We recommend this to: Claims and IT professionals seeking modern, data-driving solutions to improve efficiencies… Continue reading Preferred Mutual Insurance Company Adopts Modern Claims System

3+ Keys to Proactive Underwriting

Future Ready Intelligent Underwriting with Data & Analytics Overview: Read this eBook to learn the key elements of the intelligent underwriting workbench critical to managing the profitability of your book of business while excelling in the marketplace. Gain insights from ecosystem partners and insurers on the importance of data integrations, automation, analytics and no-code tools to increase efficiencies and improve… Continue reading 3+ Keys to Proactive Underwriting

Ecosystem Partner POV: e2Value on Property Intelligence and Underwriting

Skip Coan, SVP of e2Value joined Cogitate to discuss the recent economic trends impacting homeowners and commercial property insurance. Skip addressed the undervaluation of properties due to escalating replacement costs and how e2Value is working hard to educate the industry on rectifying this problem. Cogitate’s DigitalEdge platform integrates with e2Value to place current, accurate property data… Continue reading Ecosystem Partner POV: e2Value on Property Intelligence and Underwriting

Ecosystem Partner POV: Confianza on Intelligence and Underwriting Auto Lines


As research for the eBook, 3+ Keys to Proactive Underwriting, Cogitate’s team spent time with John Petricelli, Chief Data Officer of our ecosystem partner Confianza. Integrated with Cogitate’s DigitalEdge Platform, Confianza helps insurers accelerate digital transformation. One of their trending use cases is the identification and prevention of premium leakage and fraud. Confianza’s risk intelligence identifies key policyholder… Continue reading Ecosystem Partner POV: Confianza on Intelligence and Underwriting Auto Lines

SGIC Finds Savings and Peace of Mind with DemandAssist

Overview: Southern General Insurance Company (SGIC) faced costly challenges with reliance on manual processes to identify and manage Time Limit Demand Letters. With the integration of Cogitate’s DemandAssist, OCR and text mining now scan over 150 letters in less than 30 minutes every day. Automated notifications and management of the process have resulted in zero slippage,… Continue reading SGIC Finds Savings and Peace of Mind with DemandAssist